The Official Site of Hideo Takeuchi, Ph. D.,

HomeList of outcomesPublications (including review articles in scholarly books)

List of outcomes

Essay (including Memoiers)

First-authored papers (red + underline) / Co-authored papers (black) = 0 ..... Total 3

- The items with a pound (number) sign, # , provide the posters and viewgraphs presented at the conferences.
- red : First Authored / gray : Co-Authored

in 2020

3 (in Japanese)

On-line program "Recommendation of Reading" vol. 9.
オンラインプログラム「読書のススメ」vol.9 -『13歳の進路』, 著者 村上龍,(絵)はまのゆか (出版社: 幻冬舎)
Hideo Takeuchi.
On-line program "Recommendation of Reading", Collaboration and Contribution Center for Community, Osaka City Univesity, June-August 2020.
#Link to Instagram

2 (in Japanese)

"ガラス製真空排気装置 ―百聞は一見に如かず―".
Hideo Takeuchi.
140周年展+大学史資料館(大学博物館)設立準備NEWS LETTER No.7 (2020).
#Link to the original file

in 2018

1 (in Japanese)

"Explorling Physics of Waves".
Hideo Takeuchi.
Fablica No. 29, pp.31-40 (Central Workshop of Osaka City University, 2018)
#Original Version
#Revised Version

Research Project Report (KAKEN, JST and so on)

First-authored papers (red + underline) / Co-authored papers (black) = 0 ..... Total 1

- The items with a pound (number) sign, # , provide the posters and viewgraphs presented at the conferences.
- red : First Authored / gray : Co-Authored

in 2012

2 (in Japanese)

Final Research Report (in Japanese): Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) Project/Area Number 22760010
"Design guide line for frequency-tunable terahertz electromagnetic wave emitters onthe basis of semiconductor physics".
Hideo Takeuchi.
#Link to the original file
#Link to the detail results on Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) Project/Area Number 22760010

in 2010

1 (in Japanese)

Japan Science and Technology Agency Feasibility Study (A-STEP) GRANT_NUMBER: AS221Z02197B
Hideo Takeuchi.
#Link to the summary

Copyright 2013-2020 Hideo Takeuchi.