A part of the Legend of the Galaxy (my diary)

Last Update Wednesday, 25-Mar-98 07:01:21 JST

Mirror site [www.ceres.dti.ne.jp] [yk.rim.or.jp]
Star Date 1997.11.22
I bought Visual C++ Version 5.0 leaning edition yesterday. I was surprised at VC++ because it can compile DOS program.

Star Date 1997.11.15
Disk quota.
My page's content data is now over 3Mbytes. I deleted my diaries that are past year.

Star Date 1997.11.13
English Mail
I have a mail from a a student in Canada. He said, I wrote diaries in Japanese and send him for his study. I replied that I am writing diary every day in http://www.yk.rim.or.jp/~george/jdiary_last.html.

old day diaries...
home: <george@yk.rim.or.jp> or <george@ceres.dti.ne.jp>