package HNS::Hnf::Command; # $Id:,v 1.34 2001/08/14 21:55:38 MAKOPi Exp $ ################################################################ =head1 NAME HNS::Hnf::Command - hnf command class =cut use strict qw(vars subs); use HNS::System; use HNS::Template; use SimpleDB::Hash; use SimpleDB::Scalar; use HNS::Diary::Template; use vars qw(%Entities); use vars qw($Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $CountName $OmittableEnd); ################################################################ # entity definition # used in $AllowCommands $Entities{'Link'} = ['LINK', 'RLINK', 'URL']; $Entities{'Decoration'} = ['FONT', 'STRIKE', 'LSTRIKE', 'STRONG','SPAN']; $Entities{'Image'} = ['IMG', 'LIMG', 'MARK']; $Entities{'Replace'} = ['ALIAS']; $Entities{'Comment'} = ['FN']; $Entities{'Inline'} = [$Entities{'Link'}, $Entities{'Decoration'}, $Entities{'Image'}, $Entities{'Replace'}, $Entities{'Comment'}]; $Entities{'Cite'} = ['CITE', 'PRE','INCLUDE','RT']; $Entities{'List'} = ['UL', 'OL', 'DL']; $Entities{'Block'} = [$Entities{'Cite'}, $Entities{'List'}, 'P', 'DIV']; $Entities{'Flow'} = [$Entities{'Inline'}, $Entities{'Block'}]; $Entities{'New'} = ['NEW', 'LNEW', 'RLNEW']; $Entities{'Sub'} = ['SUB', 'LSUB', 'RLSUB']; sub new ($$) { my ($class, $name) = @_; my $self = {name=>$name, # name of command attr=>[], # array of attributes arg_content=>undef, # content in argument parent=>undef, # parent command pos=>undef, # position which new command is inserted content=>[]}; # content element(command or text) bless $self, $class; } ################################################################ =head2 $c->InsertCommand($elem); insert new command at legal position if $elem is not HNS::Hnf::Command object, it's regarded as a command name, and insert new object =cut sub InsertCommand($$) { my ($self, $elem) = @_; unless (ref $elem){ $elem = new HNS::Hnf::Command($elem); } my $pos = $self->{pos} || $self; $pos->PushContent($elem); $self->{pos} = $elem; return $elem; } =head2 $c->PushContent(@lines); push new command or plain text as content =cut sub PushContent($@) { my $self = shift; for (@_){ if (ref $_){ $_->{parent} = $self; # print "push parent:"; # print $_->{name}, "-"; # print $_->{parent}->{name} . "
"; } push(@{$self->{content}}, $_); } } =head2 $c->UnshiftContent(@lines); @lines を unshift する =cut sub UnshiftContent($@) { my $self = shift; for (@_){ if (ref $_){ $_->{parent} = $self; } unshift(@{$self->{content}}, $_); } } =head2 $c->Traverse($callback); traverse the tree-structure =cut sub Traverse { my ($self, $callback) = @_; if (&$callback($self, 1)) { for (@{$self->{content}}) { if (ref $_) { $_->Traverse($callback); } else { &$callback($_, 1); } } &$callback($self, 0) unless $self->IsOneline; } $self; } ################################################################ # access method to static variable of object class sub get_static_variable ($$) # private { my ($self, $var_name) = @_; my $full_var_name = (ref $self) . "::$var_name"; return $$full_var_name if defined $$full_var_name; # if undefined the class, get from parent class my $tmp = (ref $self) . "::ISA"; my @isa = @$tmp; for my $class (@isa){ $full_var_name = "${class}::$var_name"; return $$full_var_name if defined $$full_var_name; my $tmp = "${class}::ISA"; push(@isa, @$tmp); } return undef; } sub CountName ($) { return shift->get_static_variable('CountName'); } sub OmittableEnd ($) { return shift->get_static_variable('OmittableEnd'); } sub IsOneline ($) { return shift->get_static_variable('IsOneline'); } sub IsBeginSection($) { return shift->get_static_variable('IsBeginSection'); } # check $cmd_name is permitted as content of $self sub allowed($$) { my ($self, $cmd_name) = @_; # print "
check allowed: $cmd_name: in " . ($self->{name}) . ": "; my $AllowCommands = $self->get_static_variable('AllowCommands'); return 1 unless defined $AllowCommands; my @tmp = @$AllowCommands; for (@tmp){ if (ref $_){ # entity assc array push(@tmp, @$_); } elsif ($cmd_name eq $_){ # command type return 1; } } return 0; # not allowed $cmd_name in $self } ################################################################ =head2 $c->AsHTML($start, $params); translate to HTML =cut sub AsHTML ($$$) { my ($self, $start, $params) = @_; # my ($year, $month, $day, $newCount, $subCount, $fnCount, $cat_img) = @$params; # print "NC:$newCount\n"; my $class = ref $self; my $cmd_name = $self->{name}; # print "$cmd_name($start)
"; # template my $template = sprintf("%s::%sTemplate", $class, ($start)?'':'End'); my $comment = ($start) ? "": ""; my $templ = new HNS::Template; $params->{content} = $self->{arg_content}; for (1..3){ $params->{$_} = $self->{attr}->[$_]; } return $templ->Expand(SelectTemplate($$template, %$template), $params); } ################################################################ ################################################################ # class for extension. package HNS::Hnf::Command::ConvTemplate; use HNS::Diary::Template; use vars qw(@ISA); use vars qw($BaseTemplate $NameTemplate $HrefTemplate %BaseTemplate %NameTemplate %HrefTemplate); # HNS::Diary::Template @ISA = qw(HNS::Diary::Template HNS::Hnf::Command); sub AsHTML ($$$) { my ($self, $start, $params) = @_; my $class = ref $self; my $cmd_name = $self->{name}; # template my $template = sprintf("%s::%sTemplate", $class, ($start)?'':'End'); my $comment = ($start) ? "": ""; my $templ = new HNS::Template; $params->{content} = $self->{arg_content}; $self->ExpandTempl($templ, $params); for (1..3){ $params->{$_} = $self->{attr}->[$_]; } return $templ->Expand(SelectTemplate($$template, %$template), $params); } package HNS::Hnf::Command::ConvUrl; use HNS::Template; use HNS::Diary::Template; use vars qw (@ISA %Template); use vars qw($BaseTemplate $NameTemplate $HrefTemplate %BaseTemplate %NameTemplate %HrefTemplate); # HNS::Diary::Template @ISA = qw(HNS::Diary::Template); $HrefTemplate = "%base#%name"; $Template{mydiary} = "%href"; $Template{ISBN} = ""; $Template{CD} = ""; sub new($) { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; } sub ConvUrl($;$) { my $self = shift; my $attr = shift || \$self->{attr}->[1]; my $templ = new HNS::Template; if ($$attr =~ /^#(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})((\d+)(S(\d+))?)?$/ || $$attr =~ /^#\{(\d{4}),(\d+),(\d+)(,(\d+)(,(\d+))?)?\}$/ || $$attr =~ /^#{.*#(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})((\d+)(S(\d+))?)?}$/) { my ($new, $sub) = ($5, $7); my $my_diary_params = { 'year' => $1, 'month' => sprintf("%02d", $2), 'day' => sprintf("%02d", $3), 'abc' => $3 < 11 ? 'a' : $3 < 21 ? 'b' : 'c', 'new' => $new, 'sub' => $sub}; my $tmp = new HNS::Hnf::Command::ConvUrl; if (! $new) { @ISA = qw(HNS::Diary); } elsif (! $sub) { @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::New); } else { @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Sub); } $tmp->ExpandTempl($templ, $my_diary_params); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command); $$attr = $templ->Expand(SelectTemplate($Template{mydiary}, %{$Template{mydiary}}), $my_diary_params); } elsif ($$attr =~ /^([\d\w-]+):/ && defined($Template{$1})) { if (ref($Template{$1}) eq "CODE") { $$attr = &{$Template{$1}}($'); } else { $$attr = $templ->Expand(SelectTemplate($Template{$1}, %{$Template{$1}}), { param => $' }); } } } ################################################################ ################################################################ # derived class from HNS::Hnf::Command # top command (implicit); package HNS::Hnf::Command::HNF; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command); $OmittableEnd = 1; $AllowCommands = ['CAT','GRP']; ################################################################ # body commands: # (*) if you want to add new command, you must account it in # $HNS::Hnf::[A-Z][a-z]+::entity # static variable: # $Template [str] begin template # $EndTemplate [str] end templte # $NumAttr [int] number of attributes # $IsOneline [bool] no need end command # $IsBeginSection [bool] beginning of section (Section) # $AllowCommands [array]commands which can be element of self class # $CountName [str] if countable, set name for use of counter variable # $OmittableEnd [bool] ]is end-command omittable ################################################################ package HNS::Hnf::Command::CAT; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $ImgTemplate $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $CountName $OmittableEnd); use vars qw(%Template %ImgTemplate); #use vars qw(%DB); $Template = qq([%var]); $ImgTemplate = qq(%img); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command); $AllowCommands = [$HNS::Hnf::Command::Entities{'New'}]; sub AsHTML() {undef} ################################################################ package HNS::Hnf::Command::GRP; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $CountName $OmittableEnd $Mark); #use vars qw(%DB); $Template = ""; @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command); $IsOneline = 1; $AllowCommands = ['CAT',$HNS::Hnf::Command::Entities{'New'}]; $Mark = "*"; sub AsHTML() {undef} ################################################################ # New Entities package HNS::Hnf::Command::New;; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); use vars qw($BaseTemplate $NameTemplate $HrefTemplate %BaseTemplate %NameTemplate %HrefTemplate); # HNS::Diary::Template @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::ConvTemplate); $IsBeginSection = 1; $OmittableEnd = 1; $CountName = 'new'; $AllowCommands = [$HNS::Hnf::Command::Entities{'Sub'}, $HNS::Hnf::Command::Entities{'Flow'}]; $NameTemplate = "%year%month%day%new"; package HNS::Hnf::Command::NEW; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::New); $Template = q(
#%new %cat %content
); $EndTemplate = "
\n"; package HNS::Hnf::Command::LNEW; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::New HNS::Hnf::Command::ConvUrl); $Template = q(
#%new %cat %content
); $EndTemplate = "
\n"; $NumAttr = 1; sub AsHTML ($$$) { my ($self, $start, $params) = @_; $self->ConvUrl(); $self->SUPER::AsHTML($start, $params); } package HNS::Hnf::Command::RLNEW; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::New); use vars qw(%DB); $Template = q(
#%new %cat %content
); $EndTemplate = "
\n"; $NumAttr = 2; %DB = (); sub AsHTML($$$) { my ($self, $start, $params) = @_; unless (defined %DB){ tie %DB, 'SimpleDB::Hash', "$HNS::System::DiaryDir/conf/rlink.txt", 1; } my $url = $DB{$self->{attr}->[1]}; unless ($url){ return &HNS::Hnf::Warning::Message('NotDefined', $self->{name},undef, $self->{attr}->[1]); } else { $params->{url} = $url; return $self->SUPER::AsHTML($start, $params); } } # P command package HNS::Hnf::Command::P; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Block); $AllowCommands = [$HNS::Hnf::Command::Entities{'Inline'}]; $OmittableEnd = 1; # or 0 $Template = "

\n"; $EndTemplate = "

\n"; # DIV command package HNS::Hnf::Command::DIV; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Block); $AllowCommands = [$HNS::Hnf::Command::Entities{'Inline'}]; $OmittableEnd = 1; # or 0 $NumAttr = 1; $Template = qq(
\n); $EndTemplate = "
\n"; ################################################################ # Sub Entities package HNS::Hnf::Command::Sub; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); use vars qw($BaseTemplate $NameTemplate $HrefTemplate %BaseTemplate %NameTemplate %HrefTemplate); # HNS::Diary::Template @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::ConvTemplate); $CountName = 'sub'; $OmittableEnd = 1; $AllowCommands = [$HNS::Hnf::Command::Entities{'Flow'}]; $NameTemplate = "%year%month%day%{new}S%sub"; package HNS::Hnf::Command::SUB; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Sub); $Template = q(
%content: ); package HNS::Hnf::Command::LSUB; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Sub HNS::Hnf::Command::ConvUrl); $Template = q(
%content: ); $NumAttr = 1; sub AsHTML ($$$) { my ($self, $start, $params) = @_; $self->ConvUrl(); $self->SUPER::AsHTML($start, $params); } package HNS::Hnf::Command::RLSUB; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Sub); use vars qw(%DB); $Template = q(
%content: ); $NumAttr = 2; %DB = (); sub AsHTML($$$) { my ($self, $start, $params) = @_; unless (defined %DB) { tie %DB, 'SimpleDB::Hash', "$HNS::System::DiaryDir/conf/rlink.txt", 1; } my $url = $DB{$self->{attr}->[1]}; unless ($url){ return &HNS::Hnf::Warning::Message('NotDefined', $self->{name},undef, $self->{attr}->[1]); } else { $params->{url} = $url; return $self->SUPER::AsHTML($start, $params); } } ################################################################ # Inline Elements # these element has no content commands, # so $EndTemplate, $AllowCommands has no means. package HNS::Hnf::Command::Inline; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command); $IsOneline = 1; # Link Entity package HNS::Hnf::Command::Link; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Inline); # LINK package HNS::Hnf::Command::LINK; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Link HNS::Hnf::Command::ConvUrl); $Template = qq(%content ); $NumAttr = 1; sub AsHTML ($$$) { my ($self, $start, $params) = @_; $self->ConvUrl(); $self->SUPER::AsHTML($start, $params); } # RLINK package HNS::Hnf::Command::RLINK; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Link); use vars qw(%DB); $Template = qq(%content); $NumAttr = 2; %DB = (); sub AsHTML($$$) { my ($self, $start, $params) = @_; unless (defined %DB){ tie %DB, 'SimpleDB::Hash', "$HNS::System::DiaryDir/conf/rlink.txt", 1; } my $url = $DB{$self->{attr}->[1]}; unless ($url){ return &HNS::Hnf::Warning::Message('NotDefined', $self->{name},undef, $self->{attr}->[1]); } else { $params->{url} = $url; return $self->SUPER::AsHTML($start, $params); } } # URL package HNS::Hnf::Command::URL; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Link HNS::Hnf::Command::ConvUrl); $Template = qq(*%content(%1)); $NumAttr = 1; sub AsHTML ($$$) { my ($self, $start, $params) = @_; $self->ConvUrl(); $self->SUPER::AsHTML($start, $params); } # Decoration Commands package HNS::Hnf::Command::Decoration; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Inline); # STRIKE package HNS::Hnf::Command::STRIKE; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Decoration); $Template = q(%content); # LSTRIKE package HNS::Hnf::Command::LSTRIKE; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Decoration HNS::Hnf::Command::ConvUrl); $Template = q(%content); $NumAttr = 1; sub AsHTML ($$$) { my ($self, $start, $params) = @_; $self->ConvUrl(); $self->SUPER::AsHTML($start, $params); } # STRONG package HNS::Hnf::Command::STRONG; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Decoration); $Template = q(%content); # FONT package HNS::Hnf::Command::FONT; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Decoration); $Template = q(%content); $NumAttr = 2; # SPAN package HNS::Hnf::Command::SPAN; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Decoration); $Template = q(%content); $NumAttr = 1; # Image Commands package HNS::Hnf::Command::Image; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); use vars qw($AllowRemoteImage); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Inline); $AllowRemoteImage = 0; # IMG package HNS::Hnf::Command::IMG; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); use vars qw($TemplateNosize $TemplateWithsize); use Image::Size; @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Image); $TemplateWithsize = qq(%content\n); $TemplateNosize = qq(%content\n); $NumAttr = 2; sub AsHTML ($$$) { my ($self, $start, $params) = @_; my %loc = (r=>'align="right"', l=>'align="left"' , n=>'' ); my ($src, $alt) = ($self->{attr}->[2], $self->{arg_content}); my $align = $loc{$self->{attr}->[1]}; my ($width, $height) = imgsize($src, $HNS::System::ImgWidthMaxSize); $params->{align} = $align; if ($width && $height) { $params->{width} = $width; $params->{height} = $height; $Template = $TemplateWithsize; } elsif ($self->get_static_variable('AllowRemoteImage') || $src !~ m|^http://|) { $Template = $TemplateNosize; } else { return HNS::Hnf::Warning::Message('RemoteImage'); } return $self->SUPER::AsHTML($start, $params); } # LIMG # Usage: LIMG alt # package HNS::Hnf::Command::LIMG; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); use vars qw($TemplateNosize $TemplateWithsize); use Image::Size; @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Image); $TemplateWithsize = q(%content); $TemplateNosize = q(%content); $NumAttr = 3; sub AsHTML ($$$) { my ($self, $start, $params) = @_; my %loc = (r=>'align="right"', l=>'align="left"' , n=>'' ); my ($src, $alt) = ($self->{attr}->[3], $self->{arg_content}); my $align = $loc{$self->{attr}->[2]}; my ($width, $height) = imgsize($src, $HNS::System::ImgWidthMaxSize); $params->{align} = $align; if ($width && $height) { $params->{width} = $width; $params->{height} = $height; $Template = $TemplateWithsize; } elsif ($self->get_static_variable('AllowRemoteImage') || $src !~ m|^http://|) { $Template = $TemplateNosize; } else { return HNS::Hnf::Warning::Message('RemoteImage'); } return $self->SUPER::AsHTML($start, $params); } # MARK package HNS::Hnf::Command::MARK; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); use Image::Size; @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Image); use vars qw(%List); $Template = qq(%1); $NumAttr = 1; %List = ("(^^)" => "icons/nomal_13.gif", "(^^;" => "icons/ase_13.gif", "(;_;)" => "icons/naku_13.gif", "v(^^)" => "icons/v_13.gif", "!!" => "icons/neko_13.gif", "??" => "icons/hatena_13.gif"); sub AsHTML ($$$){ my ($self, $start, $params) = @_; my $mark = $self->{attr}->[1]; my $src = $List{$mark}; my ($width, $height) = imgsize($src); $params->{src} = $src; $params->{width} = $width; $params->{height} = $height; return $self->SUPER::AsHTML($start, $params); } # Replace Commands # ALIAS package HNS::Hnf::Command::ALIAS; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Inline); use vars qw(%DB); $Template = "%term"; %DB = (); sub AsHTML ($$$) { my ($self, $start, $params) = @_; my $term = $self->{arg_content}; unless (defined %DB) { # if first use tie %DB, 'SimpleDB::Hash', # then tie hash "$HNS::System::DiaryDir/conf/alias.txt", 1; } my $replaced_term = $DB{$term}; unless ($replaced_term) { return HNS::Hnf::Warning::Message('NotDefined', $self->{name},undef, $term); } else { $params->{term} = $replaced_term; $self->SUPER::AsHTML($start, $params); } } ################################################################ # Block Commands package HNS::Hnf::Command::Block; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command); # Cite Commands package HNS::Hnf::Command::Cite; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Block); # PRE package HNS::Hnf::Command::PRE; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Cite); $AllowCommands = [$HNS::Hnf::Command::Entities{'Inline'}]; $Template = "
$EndTemplate = "
"; # CITE package HNS::Hnf::Command::CITE; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd $TemplateWithURI); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Cite); $NumAttr = 1; $Template = qq(
\n); $TemplateWithURI = qq(
\n); $EndTemplate = "
\n"; $AllowCommands = [$HNS::Hnf::Command::Entities{'Flow'}]; sub AsHTML ($$$){ my ($self, $start, $params) = @_; my $uri = $self->{attr}->[1]; if ($uri) { $Template = $TemplateWithURI; } return $self->SUPER::AsHTML($start, $params); } # INCLUDE package HNS::Hnf::Command::INCLUDE; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); use vars qw($file); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Cite); $IsOneline = 1; $Template = qq(
); $NumAttr = 1; sub AsHTML($$$) { my ($self, $start, $params) = @_; my $tmp; # restrict path of file $self->{attr}->[1] =~ s/\.\.\///g; $self->{attr}->[1] =~ s/\.\.\///g; if ($self->{attr}->[1] =~ /^\//) { $self->{attr}->[1] = $HNS::System::DiaryDir . $self->{attr}->[1]; } else { $self->{attr}->[1] = "$HNS::System::IncludeDir/$self->{attr}->[1]"; } if (! -f $self->{attr}->[1]) { return &HNS::Hnf::Warning::Message('NotFound', $self->{name}, undef, $self->{attr}->[1]); } else { tie $tmp, 'SimpleDB::Scalar', "$self->{attr}->[1]", 1; my $file = $tmp; $file =~ s/&/&/g; $file =~ s//>/g; $self->{arg_content} = $file; return $self->SUPER::AsHTML($start, $params); } } # List Commands package HNS::Hnf::Command::List; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Block); $AllowCommands = ['LI']; # UL package HNS::Hnf::Command::UL; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::List); $Template = "
    "; $EndTemplate = "
"; # OL package HNS::Hnf::Command::OL; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::List); $Template = "
    "; $EndTemplate = "
"; # LI package HNS::Hnf::Command::LI; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Block); $Template = q(
  • %content ); $EndTemplate = "
  • "; $OmittableEnd = 1; $AllowCommands = [$HNS::Hnf::Command::Entities{'Flow'}]; # DL package HNS::Hnf::Command::DL; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::List); $Template = "
    \n"; $EndTemplate = "
    \n"; $AllowCommands = ['DT', 'DD']; # DT package HNS::Hnf::Command::DT; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Block); $Template = "
    %content"; $EndTemplate = "
    \n"; $OmittableEnd = 1; $AllowCommands = [$HNS::Hnf::Command::Entities{'Inline'}]; # DD package HNS::Hnf::Command::DD; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Block); $Template = "
    %content"; $EndTemplate = "
    \n"; $OmittableEnd = 1; $AllowCommands = [$HNS::Hnf::Command::Entities{'Flow'}]; # HR package HNS::Hnf::Command::HR; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Block); $IsOneline = 1; $Template = q(
    \n); # Comment Commands package HNS::Hnf::Command::Comment; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Inline); # FN package HNS::Hnf::Command::FN; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); use vars qw($HeaderTemplate $FooterTemplate $ContentTemplate); use vars qw($BaseTemplate $NameTemplate $HrefTemplate %BaseTemplate %NameTemplate %HrefTemplate); # HNS::Diary::Template @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::ConvTemplate HNS::Hnf::Command::Comment); $IsOneline = 0; $NameTemplate = "%year%month%day%{new}F%fn"; $Template = qq(*%fn); $HeaderTemplate = qq(
    \n); $FooterTemplate = qq(
    ); $ContentTemplate = qq(
    *%fn:%content); $AllowCommands = ['LINK', 'STRIKE']; # RT package HNS::Hnf::Command::RT; use vars qw(@ISA $Template $EndTemplate $NumAttr $IsOneline $AllowCommands $IsBeginSection $CountName $OmittableEnd); @ISA = qw(HNS::Hnf::Command::Cite); $AllowCommands = ['']; $Template = "\n"; $EndTemplate = "\n"; $OmittableEnd = 1; sub rt2html(@){ my @lines = @_; my @tbl_col=(); my @tbl_row=(); my @tbl_align=(); my @tbl_item=(); my @value_align=("left", "center", "right"); my $caption = ""; my $delimiter = ",\t"; # デリミタ my $tbl_width = 1; my $tbl_height = 0; my $tbl_header = -1; # THEAD領域の行数 my $tbl_body = -1; # TBODY領域の行数 my %style_table; # 追加属性 my %style_thead; # 追加属性 my %style_tindex; # 追加属性(見出し部) my %style_tbody; # 追加属性(本体) my $theme = 0; my $status = 0; # 0:config 1:head&body 2:body my $x; my $y; my $line; ### default $style_table{'border'} = 1; $style_tindex{'span'} = 0; ### read foreach $line (@lines){ # print " LINE=",$line,"
    "; if( $line =~ /^#/ ){ next; } if( $status == 0 ){ # ConfigBlock if( $line =~ /^\s*caption\s*=\s*(.*)\s*$/i ){ $caption = $1; next; } if( $line =~ /^\s*delimiter\s*=\s*(.*)\s*$/i ){ $delimiter = $1; next; } if( $line =~ /^\s*(table|thead|tindex|tbody)_(\w+)\s*=\s*(\w+)\s*/i ){ my $type = $1; my $key = $2; my $value = $3; if( $type =~ /table/ ){ $style_table{$key} = $value;} if( $type =~ /thead/ ){ $style_thead{$key} = $value;} if( $type =~ /tindex/){ $style_tindex{$key}= $value;} if( $type =~ /tbody/ ){ $style_tbody{$key} = $value;} next; } if( $line =~ /^\s*theme\s*=\s*(\d+)\s*$/i ){ $theme = $1; next; } } if( $line =~ /^\s*\n$/ ){ if( $status == 1 ){ $status = 2; # thead と tbody が存在する表である $tbl_header = $tbl_height; } next; } # デリミタとその前後の空白がセパレータとなる my @items = split(/\s*[$delimiter]\s*/, $line, -1); my $w = @items; # 配列の個数 if( $w >= $tbl_width ){ $tbl_width = $w; } if( $w == $tbl_width ){ my $x = 0; my $item; foreach $item (@items){ my $align; # 0:left 1:center 2:right $item =~ s/^(\s*)//g; $item =~ s/(\s*)$//g; if( $item =~ /^[0-9]+.?[0-9]*/ ){ $align = 2; # 数字は右詰め } else { $align = 0; # 他は左詰め } $tbl_item[$x][$tbl_height] = $item; $tbl_align[$x][$tbl_height]= $align; # align $tbl_col[$x][$tbl_height] = 1; # clospan $tbl_row[$x][$tbl_height] = 1; # rowspan $x++; } $tbl_height++; } } ### if( $status <= 1 ){ $tbl_header = 0; $tbl_body = $tbl_height; } elsif( $status == 2 ){ $tbl_body = $tbl_height - $tbl_header; } ### parse for( $y=$tbl_height-1 ; $y >= 0 ; $y-- ){ for( $x=$tbl_width-1 ; $x >= 0 ; $x-- ){ my $tmp = $tbl_item[$x][$y]; if( $tmp =~ /^\s*==\s*$/ ){ if( $x > 0 ){ $tbl_col[$x-1][$y] += $tbl_col[$x][$y]; # 左側のセルに結合(colspan 増加) $tbl_col[$x][$y] = 0; $tbl_row[$x][$y] = 0; # このセルは消滅するので0を入れておく } } if( $tmp =~ /^\s*\|\|\s*$/ ){ if( $y > 0 ){ $tbl_row[$x][$y-1] += $tbl_row[$x][$y]; # 上のセルに結合(rowspan 増加) $tbl_row[$x][$y] = 0; $tbl_col[$x][$y] = 0; # このセルは消滅するので0を入れておく } } } } ### generate my $hnf_ =""; $hnf_ .= " if( $tbl_header > 0 ){ $hnf_ .= " 0)&&($row > 0)){ $hnf_ .= sprintf("<%s",$tag); $hnf_ .= sprintf(" align='%s'",$value_align[$align]); $hnf_ .= sprintf(" colspan='%d'",$col) if $col > 1; $hnf_ .= sprintf(" rowspan='%d'",$row) if $row > 1; $hnf_ .= sprintf(">%s",$item,$tag); } } $hnf_ .= "\n"; } $hnf_ .= "\n"; } ### $hnf_ .= ""; # 見出し if( $style_tindex{'span'} > 0 ){ $hnf_ .= " 0)&&($row > 0)){ $hnf_ .= sprintf("<%s",$tag); $hnf_ .= sprintf(" align='%s'",$value_align[$align]) unless ((($tag == "th") && exists( $style_tindex{'align'})) ||(($tag == "td") && exists( $style_tbody{'align'}))); $hnf_ .= sprintf(" colspan='%d'",$col) if $col > 1; $hnf_ .= sprintf(" rowspan='%d'",$row) if $row > 1; $hnf_ .= sprintf(">%s",$item,$tag); } } $hnf_ .= ""; } $hnf_ .= "\n"; $hnf_ .= "\n"; $hnf_ .= "
    \n"; return $hnf_; } 1;